situation : im using CR9 to create some PDF's. I have several master reports that all use the same subreport.
I have a problem with textfields that do not correctly break lines. It cuts off a little bit of text on some lines, 1 character max.
I've tried changing the font size, the font, the boundaries of the textfield and of the subreport. Nothing seems to have much effect on the problem.
I found a similar topic here (, where was suggested there was a problem with the text (since the right border of my textfield doesn't even come close to the margin of the master report or the page). But I don't really see what could be wrong with my text.
Anybody got any ideas on what the problem could be and how i could solve this?
Right click the text box and select properties the properties select "can grow" option. and click on OK
thanks for your reply, but this option is already on.After some investigating I found that this only happens on the live version of the application.
The font-size is default 1 point larger on the live version, which may cause the problem.
Local setup is Visual Studio 2003 standard, with Crystal Reports 9 add-in, on Windows 2003 server.
Live setup is Windows 2003 server with Crystal Reports 9 standard edition.
Is it possible that the difference in font-size is related to the setup? Anyone had this problem before and might give me a clue on how to fix it?
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